Legal basis

The Single Portal for Electronic Communication with the Bulgarian Customs Administration - The Bulgarian Customs Agency E-Portal is developed and implemented under the "Improvement of the National Customs Agency's fundamental information systems for providing data and services to external systems - BICIS 2020 (Phase 1)" project, contract No BG05SFOP001-1.002-0002-C01 under Operational Program "Good Governance", co-funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Activity 6 – "Development and Implementation of the Institutional Architecture of NCA in relation to a Single Portal for Electronic Communication with the Bulgarian Customs Administration”.


Project “Improvement of the National Customs Agency’s fundamental information systems for providing data and services to external systems - BICIS 2020 (Phase 1)” has a construction period from 01.05.2016 until 31.12.2019.


Grants budget: 14 450 852.05 BGN, of which 12 283 224.24  BGN - EU funding, and national funding – 2 167 627.81 BGN.


Grants budget Activity 6 project : 1 497 467.00 BGN, Construction period from 25.02.2019 until 29.11.2019


Good to know

Information presented in the next section "Getting started" is an overview of the Bulgarian Customs Agency Е-Portal and its online services.


Detailed information about terminology and step-by-step guide to use the E-Portal services can be found in "How to ?" and "What is ?" sections.

Getting started

Here you will receive answers to important questions you may have about the services offered in the E-Portal and your user status.


Get started by answering the question: Who am I?


I am a non-registered user


Non-registered users can use all free online services offered in the Bulgarian Customs Agency E-Portal without registration and register.


I am a registered user


If you have registration for submitting customs and/or excise documents online and you have access to the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems then you are a registered user of the E-Portal and you should be able to use all its online services.


All online services are available for the registered users.


Registered users have access to the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems and their workspaces.