How to access Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems?

Customs and excise information systems of the Bulgarian Customs Agency are accessible from the registered users section by going through a few steps.



Enter the E-Portal of Bulgarian Customs Agency as registered user:


Before entering the registered users section, please make sure that your electronic signature is properly connected to your computer.


Then press the "Sign in" button, located in the upper right corner of the page.


You will be asked to type your electronic signature’s PIN code. Thereafter you will be redirected to the registered users section.


Your name in the upper right corner of the page means that you are successfully logged in.


The "workspaces" option is now available for you to select.



First step – select identification number


The system automatically recognizes the data from your e-signature and displays all identification numbers (EORI and/or excise) you are entitled to operate with as a list.



Second step – select workspace


Afterwards the E-Portal will give you all the systems workspaces available to you depending on the ID you selected e.g. Customs Transit Information System (CTIS) workspace.



Third step – enter the system


Last third step is always entering the customs information system.


The E-Portal will redirect you to e.g. the Customs Transit Information System after selecting the "Sign in CTIS".


How to subscribe to "Event notifications"?

Note:This service is available for registered users only.


Enter the Bulgarian Customs Agency E-Portal as registered user:


Before entering the registered users section, please make sure that your electronic signature is properly connected to your computer.


Then press the "Sign in" button, located in the upper right corner of the page.


You will be asked to type your electronic signature’s PIN code. Thereafter you will be redirected to the registered users section.


Your name in the upper right corner of the page means that you are successfully logged in.


The "Event notifications" option is now available for you to select.


The E-Portal will display subscription form after selecting the Event notifications option.


The subscription form is automatically filled with the data from your registration. "Title" and "Mobile number" fields can be filled in by the user.


Following the completion of the personal data, you should select an information system for which you want to be notified.


The E-Portal automatically recognizes all the systems that you have access to and displays them as a list.


The E-Portal also displays events to choose for every system:


"Document updates" - Event notifications functionality immediately notifies subscribed users when a new document related to the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems is uploaded.


"System availability" – Event notifications functionality immediately notifies subscribed users when a creation, cancelation or update of system unavailability is uploaded.


The next step is choosing the notification channel.


Economic operators can choose between:


  •     "e-mail"


  •     "e-mail with attachment"



E-mail with attachment option is not available for system availability notifications.


Final step is to click on "Update" button. Confirmation message will appear on the screen to inform you that the changes are properly saved.


The user can change saved data at any time.


How to subscribe via RSS (Really Simple Syndication) ?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based software mechanism for distribution and exchange of news and information from the World Wide Web.


The technology allows you to subscribe to and receive information simultaneously from hundreds of websites without visiting them.


It is necessary to install an RSS reader in order to use this service.


After the RSS reader has been successfully installed, click on the RSS channels button placed on the navigation panel.


The Bulgarian Customs Agency E-Portal supports three RSS feeds that you can subscribe to and use to quickly access the latest information about the systems - "System availability", "Document update" and  "News".


If you would like to receive timely information about the system availability of customs and/or excise information systems, you have to choose the "System availability" RSS channel.


If you would like to receive timely information in case of document updates, you have to choose the "Document update" RSS channel.


If you would like to receive timely information about the published news, you have to choose the "News" RSS channel.


In case you have successfully installed your RSS reader, a dialog box will be displayed in order to confirm the requested subscription.


How to register for submitting customs and/or excise documents online?

Registration for submission of customs and / or excise documents online, as well as for the usage of the electronic services of the National Customs Agency’s E-Portal, are made from the "Registration” menu.


Note: Before registering, make sure that you have a valid qualified electronic signature that is properly placed in the smart card reader connected to your computer.


Once you have fulfilled the precondition (a valid qualified electronic signature available), click on the "Register" button located in the upper right corner of the page.


The system displays brief information about the registration and the mandatory terms you must meet.


At the bottom of the screen are displayed the 3 steps you need to perform in order to register the person. Required fields are marked in red.


Note: A necessary term for applying for access to the systems (national / central of the EC), allowing the submission of customs and / or excise documents electronically, is the addition of a valid EORI and / or Excise number to the registration. EORI and / or Excise number can be added to the registration of the person at any time through Online public services / User management and access / Work portal / Identity management / process 06. Edit the person’s registration.


Detailed description and additional information about the registration processes can be found in the Documents section/ Current Documents / Registration.


If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).

How to register your electronic signature if it was changed?

The qualified electronic signature is a prerequisite to submit customs and/or excise documents electronically.


If your digital certificate has been changed, it must be registered in order to use the online services for submitting customs and/or excise documents electronically.


Registration is made through the registration form for submitting customs and/or excise documents online.


Note: Since your electronic certificate has been changed, it is not possible your registration form to be edited with it (the new electronic signature is still not recognized by E-Portal of the Bulgarian Customs Agency).


If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).

How to obtain an EORI number?

In order to obtain an EORI number, you must submit an application form.


There are two ways you can apply:


  • Either by submitting paper form by hard copy
  • Or through online form via on-line web service provided by Bulgarian Customs Administration;


Paper form: paper copy of the application form (Annex 1 of Ordinance H-9 of 07.11.2018 of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria) with all accompanying documents should be submitted to the competent customs office.


On-line web service: You can use the on-line web service to obtain an EORI number. To access the EORI web service, you need to do the following:


  • to have a valid, qualified electronic signature as required by the Regulation (EU) № 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation) and repealing Directive 1999 / 93 / EC and the Bulgarian act for Electronic Document and Electronic Signature;


  • to have a valid registration in the e-Portal for exchange of information with Bulgarian Customs Agency. The registration could be accomplished in the Registration section of the e-Portal of the Bulgarian Customs Agency;


  • to request an EORI2 service account through the "User and access management" service, process "1. Requesting access to the systems (national and EC's central)" for the registered legal or natural person;


  • to access the EORI registration workspace via "User Management and Access" section of the E-Portal of the Bulgarian Customs Agency where you can submit the necessary data to obtain the EORI number via EORI registration portal.


Additional instructions and guides related to the EORI registration and portal are published on the E-portal of the Customs Agency in the section "Current documents".


If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).

How to obtain an excise number?

The excise number is a unique identification number assigned to all parties registered under the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act (Authorized Warehouse Keepers, Small Wine Producers, Registered consignees etc.).


The procedure for obtaining an excise number is determined by Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act and Regulations for Application of the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act.

How to access Trader Portal for BTI decisions ?

All persons wishing to submit an application for BTIs must:


  • Have a valid EORI number. Information on obtaining an EORI number can be found here;


  • Have a valid, qualified electronic signature as required by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC and the Electronic Documents and Electronic Signatures Act;


  • Have a valid registration in the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s e-portal for the exchange of information through the use of electronic data-processing techniques with the Customs Agency and the EC’s central services Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) and the Customs Agency. Registration takes place at the “Register” section of the e-portal of the Bulgarian Customs Agency. Information on registration for the submission of customs and/or excise documents by electronic means can be found here.


To declare one or more of the following profiles:


  • EBTIP_CONSULLTATIVE (EBTI-STP consulting profile) — the profile allows view information only in EBTI-STP;
  • EBTIP_EXECUIVE (EBTI-PTS executive profile) — the profile allows view, enter and submit information in EBTI-STP



Access to the EU Trader Portal for BTI decisions (EBTI-STP) is through the Central electronic services of DG TAXUD, Trader Portal for BTI decisions  (EBTI-STP).


If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).

How to access Trader Portal for AEO ?

How to submit an application for AEO electronically?


From 01/10/2019 AEO applications will be submitted only electronically.


All persons who would like to obtain an AEO status should:


  • Have a valid EORI number. Information about getting an EORI number can be found here.


  • Have a valid, qualified electronic signature in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC and the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act;


  • Have a valid registration in the Customs Agency`s E-Portal for the exchange of information through the use of electronic data processing means with the Customs Agency and the central services of the Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) at the European Commission and the Customs Agency. The registration is done in the Registration section of the Customs Agency`s E-Portal. Information on registration for filing customs and / or excise documents electronically can be found here.


Request one or more of the following profiles:


Business Profiles defined for eAEO-STP




eAEO-STP Application Submission profile

Can submit and view Application information in eAEO-STP.


eAEO-STP Application Management profile

Can manage (amendment, withdrawal, adjustment requests as well as additional information and Grounds of intended decision responses) and view Application information in eAEO-STP.


eAEO-STP Authorisation Management profile

Can manage Authorisation information and view Application/Authorisation information in eAEO-STP.


Access to the EU Trader Portal is through the DG TAXUD Central Services menu / EU Trader Portal for e-AEO (eAEO-STP) - here.



If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).

How to access Trader Portal for INF (INF STP) ?

All persons wishing to submit a request for INF must:



  • Have a valid EORI number. Information on obtaining an EORI number can be found here;


  • Have a valid, qualified electronic signature as required by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC and the Electronic Documents and Electronic Signatures Act;


  • Have a valid registration in the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s E-Portal for the exchange of information through the use of electronic data-processing techniques with the Customs Agency and the EC’s central services Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) and the Customs Agency. Registration takes place at the “Register” section of the e-portal of the Bulgarian Customs Agency. Information on registration for the submission of customs and/or excise documents by electronic means can be found here;


  • To declare the following profile - INFSTP_EXECUTIVE (INFSTP_executive profile).



Access to the EU Trader Portal for INF (INF STP) is through the Central electronic services of DG TAXUD, Trader Portal for INF (INF STP).


If further assistance is needed, you can register your request at or send an email to (where you will receive a registration number immediately).