EORI number | In order to simplify the operation of economic operators and facilitate their interaction with the customs administrations of the Member States of the European Community (EC) establishes a common system of registration and identification of economic operators (EORI) throughout the European Community. Under the new provisions of EU customs legislation, all parties that interact with the customs administrations of the European Community should receive once only a unique EORI number. Persons registered in the Community shall receive their EORI number where they are established. Persons not established in the European Community must receive their EORI number where is the first operating activities covered by customs legislation. EORI number is a customs registration number valid throughout the EU which is set to replace the used so far local identification numbers (e.g. in Bulgaria BULSTAT). This number is required for all persons registered in the EU dealing with import, export, transit of goods and services, incl. transportation and customs warehousing. Registration for obtaining an EORI number shall be made in accordance with the national procedures of the Member States. Registration in Republic of Bulgaria shall be made by filing a paper copy of the registration form or online in the presence of electronic signature for identification of the person wishing to register. The procedure for registering and obtaining an EORI number in Republic of Bulgaria for all parties that interact with the customs authorities on the territory of the Community is determined by Ordinance № H-9, effective as of November 7, 2018, of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria. |
Event notifications | Event Notification is a service available in the Customs Agency E-Portal, which allows registered users to receive information about events which have occurred. The events for which economic operators can choose to be notified are: changes of documents from the customs and excise information systems of the Bulgarian Customs Agency and unavailability of a certain customs and/or excise information system. When an event from the described above occurs a message is sent to the economic operator subscribed to ‘Event Notification’. To subscribe, economic operators must fill a form to provide the required information. Subscribed economic operators can choose which information systems they want to be notified for as well as how: by e-mail notification or by e-mail notification with an attached document (in cases when documents have been updated or new documents have been published). When the notification is about system unavailability, the option e-mail notification with an attached document is not available. The Event Notification service allows subscribers to change their preferences about systems and events they want to be notified for. |
Excise number | An Excise Number is an identification number in respect of the person or premises issued by the competent authority of a Member State. An excise number identifies a Registered Trader, an Authorized Warehousekeeper or a Tax Warehouse within the excise community. The first two letters are the ISO country code of the Member State where the operator is located (e.g. BG); The next 11 alphanumeric characters are the identifier of the operator. The identifier must include 11 digits, shorter identifiers must be padded to the left with zeroes (e.g. 00000987ABC). |
R |
RSS | RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based software mechanism for distribution and exchange of news and information from the World Wide Web. The technology allows you to subscribe to and receive information simultaneously from hundreds of websites without visiting them. Programs or online services called aggregators or RSS-readers automatically receive and display the latest news and information from the information RSS feeds. The Bulgarian Customs Agency E-Portal supports three RSS feeds that you can subscribe to and use to quickly access the latest information about the systems. If you subscribe via RSS, you do not need to visit the E-Portal to check all new events which have occurred. Just run your RSS-reader, which will identify and display any new information to you. Note: You have to install an RSS-reader to use this service. |
S |
System availability | System availability is an online service that displays a visual map of all customs offices and information systems on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Selecting a particular customs office, information regarding the availability of the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems is being displayed at the bottom of the map. |
T |
TAXUD database | TAXUD database is an online service offered by the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s E-Portal, which is available for registered and unregistered users. By using this service you will access all links from the electronic database of DG TAXUD (Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General). Through TAXUD database you can: 1.validate EORI numbers; 2.search information about customs offices; 3.download reference data - messages IE931 and IE932; 4.validate excise numbers in SEED (System for Exchange of Excise Data) and others. |
W |
Workspace | The Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems (Customs Transit Information System (CTIS), Bulgarian Excise Centralized Information System (BECIS), Customs Export Information System (CEIS) etc.) have their own workspaces. System workspaces provide direct web access to the Bulgarian Customs Agency’s information systems. |